Test Results
Call between 11.00am - 3.30pm
If you call between 11.00am - 3.30pm to enquire about your test results, our reception staff will have more time to deal with your enquiry between these times.
You may be asked by the doctor or nurse to provide a specimen (such as a urine or stool sample) that will be sent away to the laboratory for testing. When providing this specimen, please try to ensure that you use the correct container which can be obtained from the surgery (to minimise the risk of infection to nursing staff who will have to transfer your specimen to the correct container if it's not already provided in one). Please also ensure that you write your name & date of birth on the container to minimise the risk of mistaken identity.
How long will I have to wait for the results?
When you hand in your specimen or have a test taken at the surgery, you will be advised how long it will likely take for the results to be returned to the surgery from the laboratory.
You should phone the surgery after this time to obtain your results. Normally, if any action needs to be taken on your test results the surgery will contact you. Nevertheless, if you haven't heard from us, you should still phone us to check.
If you have any queries about your test results, then please contact the surgery.
Data Protection
Please note that the practice has a strict data protection policy and we will only release test results to the person to whom they relate, unless that person has given prior permission for the release of this information to another person or they are not capable of understanding the results.
When you phone for your results, the receptionist may ask you a few questions to make sure the results are being given to the right person.